Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pursuing your Dream

  In our pursuit of our dreams it is vital that we understand the reality of process. A dream is a destination we move toward in the direction of the future. The dreamer is a person who becomes someone capable of living out the dream. No one who sets out to 'live the dream' begins with all the ingredients necessary to fulfill it. We become who we need to be as we move in the direction of our dream. A person without dreams is someone without a future. You must dream! Your humanity cries out for something more and you must respond! But what about the things that get in the way of fulfilling our dreams? How do we deal with the dream killers in our lives?

  Every dream killer is a test of the dreamers character. A dreamer is always a leader. Leaders see the future and bring others with them into the 'not yet'. However, if your character is deficient you forfeit the ability to obtain the promise of the dream. Joseph in the Old Testament book of Genesis was given an amazing dream at the age of 17. The dream showed that God was going to use him greatly in leadership in his family and nation. The dream was so great that it instilled jealousy and disbelief in his own family. Joseph was relegated to a period of slavery in Egypt. His dream seemed conquered by circumstances. But God was at work making Joseph into the man needed to deliver on the dream. Even with favor and gifting, the fulfillment of our dreams and visions for life are not an automatic reality. Many men and women of immense talent, training and intelligence never receive the ultimate fulfillment of their dream.

  Joseph had a relationship with God. This becomes apparent as we read through the Genesis account. It says repeatedly in chapter 39 that the Lord's favor was upon his life..... and thus he received blessing and increasing responsibility. Joseph has something vital to the fulfillment of his God inspired dream..... integrity. Joseph was the same whole (Holy) person on the inside and outside. His words, his lifestyle and his commitments all flowed out of a deep commitment to God.

  The reality is that we don't know who we really are on the inside till we face real temptation from the outside. In our broken and fallen world that temptation frequently appears in the sensual/sexual area. God has created us with strong desires for intimacy and love. When those desires are kept within the God given boundaries detailed in scripture we remain blessed and safe. When we step outside of marriage for sexual fulfillment we face a world of hurt, brokenness, disease and death. Joseph was given 'free reign' to lead and administer the household of his master Potiphar in Egypt. However, Potiphar's wife lusted after Joseph sexually and tried to force him to meet her desire. Joseph resisted successfully, however the spurned woman wound up falsely accusing Joseph. Joseph winds up in prison and it seems as if the dream will never happen!

  Delay is not denial in God's timing. While we are 'purpose driven', God is relationship directed. While we want to get things done, God wants to see us become. Joseph was sovereignly being directed by God to places where he could become the man who would fulfill the dream. It all comes down to relationship and trust. You are not a robot removed from the  need for intimacy with God. A man or woman only known by their achievement is not truly a success from God's perspective. 

  What priorities are relationships in your life? Are you investing time in developing your relationship skills? How is your E.Q? (Emotional intelligence). To what extent are you surrendering your circumstances to God in prayer? What might God be saying to you in this time of 'in between"?

  If you don't know where you're going, you're lost. Being lost isn't fatal except when you're not willing to admit it. Dreamers sometimes get lost on the way to where they are meant to be. Keep pursuing God and keep pursuing the dreams he has birthed in your heart and life.


1 comment:

  1. I needed to hear this today! It is so frustrating when the dream gets put on hold, but Joseph always helps to put it in perspective. Intellectually, I knew this, but this post brought it home!
