Friday, January 27, 2012

Finding your Way in a Lost World

 Life can be very confusing at times. There are certain basic requirements and demands that we all must follow along life's journey. We are all sent to various schools for prescribed periods of time. School offers structure, knowledge and hopefully the development of useful life skills. But what do we do when we get that diploma? What about the in between places of life. There are often significant periods of time when we are waiting for the next thing to happen... the job, significant relationship, moving to a new location.

  Just how am I supposed to make the right choice? What or who is meant to guide me in this world of choice and uncertainty? The Old Testament book of Proverbs is a special kind of instruction offered to our world as wisdom for life. Written by King Solomon and inspired by God these proverbs have stood the test of time and offer an amazing foundation to learn and be guided by truth.

  I have a confession to make. The first Bible that I seriously read I stole from the Air force hospital chapel at Elmendorf Air force hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. A young lady I worked with named Paula Zimmerman knew I was in trouble in my life and invited me attend the chapel with her. While the chaplain was talking I was intrigued by the Bible sitting in the pew. As I slipped out of the service I grabbed the Bible and walked out with it. I thought it would be nice to have a Bible and this seemed to me at the time a good way to get one. Probably not a good idea to violate one of the ten commandments to get a Bible but such was the state of my life at the time!

  Months later during one of my very long 16 hour shifts working at the hospital lab I brought my 'stolen' Bible to work with me. I would have long periods when the lab was not too busy and I used this time to read books. I opened the Bible and was drawn to two sections of the Bible in particular. One was the book of Proverbs and the other was the book of Psalms. Proverbs was offering me amazing insights into life through practical statements of wisdom. Psalms was offering me amazing poetry of the soul... reading my emotions and offering honesty and a spiritual connection I desperately needed.

  I was 20 years old and very much a lost soul. I had a good job. I had a good family.  But I was lost on the inside and the emptiness was killing me. I had a lot of fear in my life and I was desperately seeking for something to guide my life going forward. As I read the book of Proverbs, I was confronting truth but I needed something more. This morning as I write this I want to help you to find your way in a 'lost world'.  Many people have all the tools for success right in front of them and yet stumble in making those critical decisions and relationships that are so key in getting to the place they were meant to be in life. I want to share briefly with you a Proverb that can open a door into One key relationship that will guide you into that place of meaning and contentment we all seek after.

  Proverbs chapter 3 and verses 5 and 6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,  And lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And he will direct your paths."
  I read the entire book of Proverbs during those long nights in Anchorage, Alaska. I knew it to be true. It resonated deeply in my mind... and yet knowing that it was true offered no real transformation in my life.  It offered me some solace and some temporary peace... but I was still the same on the inside.  I needed something more and yet I had no clue what that was.  What I was in need of was relationship. I needed a relationship with the author of those powerful truths being revealed to me in scripture. I needed to open my life up to the only one worthy of my full trust and surrender.

  Do you have a sense that you are being guided in life? Do you feel the presence of a living God in your daily life? Do you know what it means to trust in God.... really? Your understanding and knowledge no matter how refined and developed will always be incomplete. There is a God who knows you better than you know yourself. Why walk alone when your creator stands ready to guide you and steer into your preferred destiny?

 A relationship with God is not as complex as we imagine. When you get to the place of humility and openness you can begin to experience the presence of God through invitation.... just opening your heart and mind in surrender.  The humble shall hear.... and be glad. We often hear things better when we stop thinking we're so smart and in control. Today, I encourage you to open yourselves up to a living and loving God who wants to guide you in life. You're not alone... at your point of need there is a loving God calling you to a place of inner peace and contentment. Let him take away that fear and uncertainty.  God is speaking and his first word to us is to trust him. There is a new kind of life that begins with a spiritual birth of trust in God. Why don't you begin your day with a simple prayer, "God, I am not sure what my future holds.... I am struggling to believe.... to trust , to hope.... but God I need something beyond myself.... someone beyond myself to help me and guide me.... help me to begin to believe.... to begin to trust you. Amen."

Praying with you;

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