Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Dream to Destiny

  Have you ever been at the place of desperation? Desperation is born of disappointment, frustration and an inability to achieve our deepest desires. What we do with our moments and seasons of desperation plays a huge role in where we wind up in life. We were born with dreams deposited and sewn deeply into our soul by the God who fashioned us. You and I are not placed on this planet to be 'underachievers' or to wile away our precious lives with wasted pursuits of insignificance.

  We were born with unique gifts, abilities and desires that are meant to work together to drive us in the direction of our destiny. Often our dreams are ridiculed and scoffed at by a cynical and unbelieving world. Not everyone rejoices upon hearing the heart felt dreams and desires in our hearts. In a world filled with disappointment, delays and often denial of hope, we can often say things and do thing to discourage others on their journey toward destiny. The concept of having a destiny means that there is a specific plan and purpose for our lives that has been predetermined. The New Testament scripture Ephesians chapter 2 and verses 8 to 10 offer a window into how God by grace has prepared a plan in advance for us to live meaningful and deeply satisfying lives. "God has saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God.  Salvation is a not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

 Your ability to dream and your beliefs about life are inextricably linked together. Believers dream....and dreamers believe. I'm not talking about nightmares.... I'm talking about having hope and a firmly held belief that the plan for your future is good! Your life is meaningful and your pursuit of that meaning is necessary and vital not just for your future....but for the future of all of us! The world needs dreamers pursuing their destiny in God and with one another. Cynics are too numerous and easy to find. Dreamers who live purposeful, disciplined and sacrificial lifestyles are too few and difficult to discover. Proverbs 29:18 contains some powerful truth about how a clearly defined vision and dream can impact not just our future but our daily lives and decisions. "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keeps the law, happy is he." Another translation says that those of us without vision 'cast off restraint'. It's hard to discipline ourselves when we lose focus or our sense of direction. While our souls have been created by God to search for meaning and a defined purpose, our sinful world has a downward 'drag' effect on noble pursuits. When we lose our spiritual center, we wander aimlessly and pursue selfish and temporary pleasures to our own destruction. You were not meant to wallow in self pity and depersonalized pleasures. You were made for better things than that!

 It's in a real and vital relationship with God and other people of faith that we find our bearings and direction for life. There are no 'lone star' dreamers who achieve their destiny in isolation. You were conceived not just for achievements and accomplishments. You were also born for relationship.  At the center of the universe and lasting reality is a God of love calling you forward into relationship. Your destiny, your dreams and your greatest desires are not fulfilled in a vacuum of isolation and frustration. If you're feeling desperate today, don't waste your frustration, sorrow and disappointment. Lean forward into the future prepared for you. There is a leap of faith that won't leave you hanging in mid air... there is a God of love waiting for you on the other side of the dream. He's good and the plan he has for you is the fulfillment for that deep desire being born in your soul. Go ahead, dream!
More to come..... keep reading the blog!


  1. Thank you for sharing this with me. Boy did I really need to read this. I would like to keep reading more.

  2. I agree with April. Thank you for sharing this. I'm starting University of South Alabama in Jan 2012. I'm a little bit nervous. I have been out of college since 2007 and my brain cells are a little bit " scattered". I've been praying for my purpose in life and for God to lead me into my purpose. I know that the bible declares that your inheritance are among all them which are sanctified. So I pray that God brings people in my life that are for my purpose. God bless and I look forward to reading more. :)

  3. Your pastor's heart shines through loud and clear. Thank you for allowing us an inside look.
    Love you Jim!
