Friday, November 18, 2011

A Dream and a Prayer

In the early morning hours of November 5th, 2009, I had a dream that lasted for what seemed a long period of time and when I awoke it left me feeling stunned. In the dream I was with Mary and my family in a small town in America. We were driving somewhere when we saw protesters in the streets. They were marching peacefully and holding signs. They appeared to be wanting to garner support from the observing public. Suddenly, the protesters threw down their signs and began to commit small acts of violence and were moving toward our car. Like kerosene poured on a fire the mob was spreading rapidly and searching for blood to avenge their grievances. Our family abandoned our vehicle and we were being separated. Suddenly, the crowd had cornered my wife Mary and chased her down a series of concrete steps. I was helpless as I watched Mary fall down the steps and her head hit the bottom step... and I awoke. 

I asked God a question. What was the dream about. The answer? One word: Anarchy. I felt God saying that the troubles that are about to come upon our world are going to force troubled people to violence and actions which will harm many innocent lives. Later that same day I watched transfixed as the news media reported on the sudden attack at Fort Hood by Major Hasan, the traitor. When an individual or groups of individuals believe lies about reality they can moved to do great evil in our world. Ultimately spiritual forces are at war in the minds of the vulnerable.

We desperately need to recover a dependence on truth and love for our lives and our communities. Chaos and anarchy breed repetitive acts of vengeance and horror. If we fail to act now to love our neighbors and stand against evil we could very well see my dream become a reality. I hope it doesn't happen but perhaps we need to do more to build trust and harmony now before the trials of this recession breed more fear. Join me in praying that my dream never happens in real life.

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