While the world teaches us to boast about our strengths and hide our weakness, the kingdom of God teaches us to be humble about our strengths and transparent about our weaknesses. Following Jesus Christ involves such an intimate relationship of honesty and dependence that we can rest and relax in openness. It takes a lot of energy to be 'always on' in terms of creating and maintaining masks and images. We want to be seen in the best light but often create our own false idolatry of image.
We are more than the sum of our talents and gifts. The fact is that we all suffer from some measure of weakness and brokenness. Scripture teaches us that we are all guilty of imperfection and failure to some degree. We need a Savior..... and we need one another. When we aren't honest about our failings, weaknesses and needs, no one gets healed.... and we continue to suffer lack in key areas in our lives. Healing and growth flow out of relationship.... with God and with one another. When we don't reveal who we really are, we all suffer.
An early leader in the church (Paul) had a series of amazing miracles and visions take place in his life. Despite these experiences, others who knew him rejected him and challenged his leadership and authority. Instead of bragging and boasting about his qualifications, Paul learned some foundational truths about where real strength lies. In 2 Corinthians 12, he makes some amazing statements about the power of surrendered weakness. Paul has an ongoing weakness in his life that he seeks God to deliver him from. Three times he begs God for deliverance. God's responds with a profound revelation of truth, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness."
Pride is the great grace killer. When we gaze too long in the mirror of our gifts and abilities we lose perspective on what life is all about. The world does not revolve around us! Self worship and self centered lifestyles ultimately end in dissatisfaction. We need a vital and real relationship with God. Pride and arrogance burn the bridge of dependence we need in relating to him.
Real lasting strength for life flows out of relating to Jesus Christ and his power. Paul boldly states,"So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me......for when I am weak, then I am strong."
Traveling the road of humility is not an easy path. The world will mock, persecute and ridicule the humble pilgrim. The road that leads heavenward is narrow and often misunderstood. The surrender of self glory and a focus on God's glory is the mark of a true follower of Jesus. The power of weakness is a transfer of your own limited and futile strength for the resources of the creator of the universe..... and the Savior of a broken world. His power is perfected in weakness...it's time to get real..... to be open.....and to live a transformed and powerful life, for his glory.
Let the weak say, I am strong....in him.
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