Over the last couple of months my own marriage covenant has been tested by pressure placed upon one of our marriage vows. On June 29th, 1985 Mary and I stood before God, our families and friends to establish our covenant of marriage. We repeated vows that I believe are both biblical and deeply human. Being young and deeply in love the words we spoke carried both excitement and intimidation... the pledge of life long fidelity and commitment seemed somehow overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. One vow struck me hard as I took a deep breath and repeated it publicly, I made a pledge.... a vow to love Mary, "in sickness, and in health..... till death do us part." As I gazed across at my magnificently beautiful wife Mary who was a picture of radiance and excellent health I had difficulty imagining any sickness ever coming our way. Some day perhaps in the long distant future we might have some illness but..... I repeated the words, but knew deep in my heart that the vows which came so easily to my lips would be much harder to live out when the time came...when the test came....when the temptation came.....when our bodies, our souls and perhaps our minds might fail us.
Two months ago sickness rocked our world suddenly and without warning. Suddenly my wife and I faced a test of our covenant..... of our love for one another. The vision in my right eye was damaged by a serious form of cancer that could end my life. At some points over the last few weeks I have had to literally lean on my wife to walk me down the road....in sickness and in health has come to our door as a reality far weightier than simple words repeated in a formal wedding ceremony. Mary's vows to me (and mine to hers) have been proven to be true. Our love has matured, deepened and grown since that nervous ceremony 26 years ago. Each test of the vows we spoke verbally has served as a basis for something much deeper than we could ever imagine. My hope....my prayer and my deepest desire is to continue to walk in covenant love with Mary Victoria Schiavoni Mather.... a woman whose virtue, passion and love make life so rich for me and so many others. In sickness.... and in health.....till death do us part.
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