Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Bible Says...................

For over 50 years America's "preacher" was a man named Billy Graham. Billy has spoken in front of hundreds of millions of people world wide over the last several decades. He came from a humble family in North Carolina and has had a huge impact on people for God. His teaching and proclamations were never known for their "depth" but more for their simplicity. Billy always prefaced his own remarks with simple but clear proclamations of what the Bible said about itself. Billy had the God given faith to remain confident that the scriptures themselves contained the answers for life regardless of time, cultural, political or even religious differences. What a great shame that we have so few preachers and teachers with an abounding confidence in what the Bible itself proclaims. Do we really think we can be wiser that the Bible?
Pride is a universal and timeless challenge to all who would live wisely. Each generation presumes that it alone is the harbinger of a "new era" where all world problems will uniquely be solved through the wisdom and innovation of the latest theories or technologies of man. But alas there is only one solution to man's inherent sinfulness and depravity: Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, crucified and buried and risen on the third day. Simple? No, more profound and loving than any philosophy or religion of man.


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