Sunday, March 29, 2009

4 Words from God to PROVIDE

During the night, I sensed God giving me 4 words that related to how he would provide for those in need during this time of leanness and struggle in the world's economy. The words are: Creativity, Inspiration, Perspiration and Provision. The words are in sequence and cyclical in terms of how God uses them to provide for us while we live on this planet. I want to take them one by one and elaborate on them over the next few days of blogging and explore with you the wonder of how God can and will provide for those who have faith and trust in him. Let's start with the word Creativity: (The Genesis of Origination) God is the source of all wealth and provision. The ability to be original at every level originates from the God of infinite resources and provision. God is SPIRIT and he communicates his originality and resources the Spiritual beings of men and women who dream and respond to the needs and desires of people with an affirmative "YES". While the world complains and murmurs regarding lack, God breathes and creates what is needed, not out of what is nothing, but out of the great ONE THING--------himself (Yahweh-- the great I AM)
With every dream, desire and need that issues from the tragedies and triumphs of men there is a corresponding completion and fulfillment in the mind of God. When we are in communication with God in Christ (the eternal WORD), we become open and receptive to the only PURE source of creativity, God Almighty. Creativity apart from the DIVINE essence is damaged and corrupted by sin and its perverted view of reality. Within the soul of all humanity is the divine 'spark'! But apart from Christ the 'spark' burns and darkens instead of bringing a healing balm and light.
Satan cannot and does not create-- he is the ultimate plagiarist--- perverting from the original use and rebelling away from the will and purposes of God--- to destroy, dilute and deny GOD. Creativity is the reservoir of God's provision to our planet.
Tomorrow, I will speak on the topic of inspiration. Inspiration is a particular withdraw from heavens account to meet a need in time and space--- A 'now' provision that fills a gap of need and necessity proving God's desire and ability to provide, console and bless his creation. Stay tuned as we continue this week on God's 4 words to PROVIDE!

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