Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When Governments Fail

You know things are bad when the President of the United States threatens to stop the lifeline for his nations poor and elderly. President Obama yesterday warmed the hearts of no one by issuing a thinly veiled threat to our nation that unless he got his way in the budget impasse he could not guarantee he would issue social security checks to the people who so desperately need them. We live in the world's richest nation with the poorest attitude. While our elected officials live in financial luxury we the poor 'working stiffs' continue to pay taxes while they 'fiddle while Rome burns'. We are in desperate need of a new American revolution. It was John Adams who said that democracy as a form of government would only work for a moral people. When we cannot govern ourselves.... when our ability to exercise self restraint and a commitment to personal moral excellence falters, then no formal external government can save us from ourselves.
  We are seeing history repeat itself. The historian Edward Gibbons in his classic tome, "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" detailed how Rome fell from within from moral decay. We also are collapsing from within and neither political party can be our savior. The kind of deliverance we need is a a deep spiritual transformation where we come face to face with moral absolutes again. We are the most morally confused nation on the planet.  We carry an outward veneer of religion while wanting our own selfish way again and again. We simply cannot have it both ways. We either turn away from selfishness, greed and injustice or we watch the slow and inexorable collapse of a once great nation. I'm praying for mercy and for real and lasting change to come to America once again. Will you pray with me?


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