Saturday, July 30, 2011

The View from New York City and Washington D.C.

It has been an eventful week in the history of America. We are in the midst of what many consider one of the most serious financial crisis in our nations history. For the last 2 weeks I have been traveling with my family on a car journey from Mobile, Alabama all the way to Long Island. During our trip we spent time touring both New York City and Washington D.C. As I read the headlines of our nation's papers during our travel I was feeling a sort of disconnect between the 'talking heads' of our nations media and the reality of the people I see walking around these two cities. Two things strike you as you walk around our nations business and governmental capital cities: Diverse and Driven workers. As I read the headlines, I hear how our nation's economy has no growth and how 'hopeless' and dire the situation has become. I have no doubt that indeed we are facing a serious fiscal crisis. But as I walk the streets I hear people working very, very hard to make a living. The diversity of culture and multiple languages I hear spoken by street vendors, business people, restaurant owners and financial analysts shows you just how important these two cities are to our nation.... and our world.
  There are a lot of causes for our current financial crisis: greed, mismanagement, selfishness etc ...... and yet this nation of over 300 million people still attracts brilliant people from all over the world to work hard to achieve their dreams. On August 2nd we are being told that financial Armageddon looms. If we don't obtain  the ability to push our debt ceiling higher and come up with some sort of budget compromise the bottom falls out and we can all stay home and hide under our beds!
  For some reason I don't believe you need to break out the guns and ammo just yet to protect yourself from ensuing anarchy. The solution to the serious fiscal crisis is right in front of's the people who live here... and aspire to live here. The dreamers, the visionaries, the workers and the immigrants who long to come here if allowed to be free and to work hard will rebuild this nation. Yes, we need to pay down debt..... Yes, we need to 'throw the bums out'..... Yes, we need new leaders who will serve us and not use their positions for selfish gain.
  The vision which created America is still a valid vision. It has been hijacked, prostituted and manipulated...but the original vision is indeed both worthy and noble. A vision of freedom of belief.... freedom to dream and build without undue governmental control and limits. When we refuse to allow our history to be rewritten and really understand where we have come from we might just get back to the values and foundations that built this nation. My walking tour of Washington D.C. and New York city left me hopeful and   prayerful. I don't think we can go forward and see real change without the spiritual character that was once so important to our nations founders. What if we allowed faith, hope and love to again find a home in our nation's moral fiber? I remain hopeful not because the problems we face are not real and challenging. I remain hopeful because those problems are temporary.... and our God is eternal and trustworthy.  Let's call upon his help and resolve to live in such a way that we can bring this nation back to the vision which made it a blessing to the world. There is enough pessimism in the 24 hour news cycle. I resolve to be good news in the very real world in which I live.... will you join me?


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