Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Shared Life

Life lived alone and separated from meaningful relationships is like a prison sentence without bars. We were meant to live in harmony with others. When our relationships are good, life is good. In spite of technological advances and 'social networks' we have less intimacy in relationships and not more. We 'know' more people but the fruit of that knowledge is often more loneliness and emptiness. Where can we find friends who will always 'have our backs' in life? So much depends on our own insecurities and satisfaction with life. When we look in the mirror and don't like what we see the cycle of dissatisfaction perpetuates itself in our relationships.
Jesus was asked what was the most important moral truth in the eyes of God. He said, "To love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.... and to love your neighbor as yourself." Truth be told very few of us really know how to do that. The most central truth of life itself remains a mystery in practical every day existence. To really love others and ourselves? In fact we are really doing the opposite. We are trying to work angles for our own self preservation and comfort. Love implies totally committing ourselves to another's well being. People are in so many complicated ways broken on the inside. We need to recognize that and call on a truly loving God to heal us first. Hurting and broken people hurt and break others. When our souls are healed, content, satisfied and at peace.... our relationships are healed, content, satisfied and at peace.
We put so much energy into people and relationships and wonder why we don't enjoy a shared life. No matter what the experts tell you we can't do it ourselves.... alone. There is a vertical dimension to healthy horizontal relationships that cannot be ignored. Our brokenness needs to be dealt with through forgiveness and restoration to a loving God. "For God so loved all of us in this way, He gave his One and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life"~Jn 3:16.
The root determines the fruit. When you know you're loved unconditionally you're in a place of health and life. When you're controlled by fear and insecurities your relationships are doomed from the start. I want to take an inventory of my relational life. I want my life to be characterized by healthy and life giving relationships. I want to be free to embrace life without fear and disappointment. I want to live a shared life.~Jim

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