Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Sorry: Forgiveness and Consequences

There is a huge downside to fame. Your whole world is on display when things go wrong. And being human and sinful you can be assured.... things will go wrong. No matter how talented you are. No matter how rich you are. No matter how intelligent you are. We are all still capable of horrible things. People can be excellent and in control of so many areas of their lives while sin bores a hole deep into their soul.

Another downside to fame is its most insidious and dangerous side effect...pride. We can begin to believe that we are invincible and can do no wrong. The apologies of the broken tell us of feeling 'entitled' to do things other mortals would never consider. The rich and powerful begin to cross boundaries of sensuality others would resist either for lack of opportunity or more respect for others. The inflated ego of pride destroys our souls just as quickly as it inflates our view of ourselves. The pride filled man or woman makes no apologies for decisions or attitudes until their world collapses around them by force. Even with tears in our eyes an apology forced upon us by circumstances rings hollow. There is often mixed emotion in such an apology. There is often a tinge of the 'victim' syndrome. 'If I wasn't so famous this would not have happened'.... anger at the press.... anger at the loss of self esteem and the loss of all the good we would or could have done.

The reality is that the road back to who we really are begins with a surrender of everything to God our creator. To be frank, we have to stop believing the lies of self importance. We are not God and the world will go on without us whether we can believe that or not. It is important for us to believe that. The heroes of our world are made and destroyed very quickly in the times in which we live. With an instantaneous media, we can be brought high and low in a sudden barrage of twitter, facebook or television.

Forgiveness is real... but alas so are consequences. The road back from moral failure is an arduous journey of many miles. None of us would want to endure the journey that Tiger Woods and his family are on right now. In spite of all the fame, money and luxury his life is now more lonely than anyone could ever imagine.

I don't want to throw a rock at Tiger Woods or anyone in the public eye. He is living a very public hell of his own making. Tiger Woods it appears is very sorry. The question remains to be answered whether that sorrow will lead to a changed life. Tears of regret don't change our lives till they move us in the direction of changed attitudes and behaviors. I am praying for Tiger Woods and his family. I'm also praying for all of us whom fame and fortune might bless... that pride and ego not deceive and destroy what would otherwise be the best times of our lives.~ Jim

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts, Jim. Apart from the grace of God there we would all be. He needs God's forgiveness. No amount of counseling can cure the devastating effects of sin in a person's life.
