Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Way of the Pilgrim

  To follow God.... to know a life of relationship with an unseen reality takes a real and vibrant faith. To live a life of faith demands a willingness to leave the known and worn paths of those who have gone before us... to blaze a new pathway through adversity, uncertainty and risk. Because of my work with international students at the University of South Alabama I have met many young people in search of a life of meaning and purpose. Many sense the call....but sadly few want to pay the price of the way of the pilgrim.

  Making a difference in a world defined by mediocrity and compromise demands both boldness and a commitment to something bigger than yourself. What marks the character of the 'trail blazer' and sets them apart from the 'average' person. Trail blazers (pilgrims) are willing to take risks and have a certainty that failure is not the ultimate enemy of life's dreams.

  We can't seriously think we will make a significant difference in our world if we are imprisoned by insecurity and unbelief. The New Testament book of Hebrews give us a clear and resolute view of what it takes to make an impact in our "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

  What do you want to see changed in your life.... your world? There is something that you were born to do... something you were born to change and impact in our broken world. If you are not moving in the direction of making a difference....of confronting what is in need of change....then you could become a part of the problem.

  Do you seriously think you were put on this planet to watch reality shows and be a professional 'consumer'?  What a horrific waste of a life that would be.  No, you were born to a 'world changer'. To take your gifts, abilities.. your entire life and to offer them up to God to direct and empower you as a change agent in a very broken world.

  Instead of being a spectator and drugging your search for a meaningful life with media and consumption....why not live a life of faith and trust in a God of love and hope?  The world awaits people who will see a significant need and not shrug it off.... who will care when others have deep needs and become willing to serve and depend on God and his people to meet that need.  Faith is not just a mental assent to a statement of belief.  Faith is also a verb that demands movement and a response to the reality of both this world...and the next.  Are you willing to be a pilgrim walking the way of faith in this life?

  Often we lack direction in life because we ignore the realm and reality of the unseen spiritual world all around us....which begs us to open our hearts to the realities of the heart. There are 3 things that last forever and none of them are for sale at Wal Mart.  Faith, Hope and Love are 3 eternal realities that come to us as a gift from God. When we begin to walk in the direction of relationship with God...we have begun to really live.  Take a risk.... open your heart today....and begin to walk in the way of the pilgrim.  You were born for this.


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