Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Danger of Insecurity

  Security can be defined as being relieved from the exposure to danger: to put beyond the hazard of losing or of not receiving. An insecure person is always sensing danger and will order and structure their lives to minimize or remove that sense of danger. What or whom we base our security in or upon will either set us free or lead to further pain and suffering.

  One of the most fundamental needs of human beings is security in relationship. We desperately need and desire to be loved for who we really are.  In a perfect world, we would be raised in healthy and safe environments where our parents would model and mentor for us what unconditional love looks like. When we are raised in an environment that is unsafe and toxic, we take on an inner sickness of the soul that taints and poisons our realities at every conceivable level. Our fundamental sense of who we are (our identity) is marred by this pathology.... this often deposits a deep sense of insecurity into our inner sense of self.

  You have been created by God with a unique physical, emotional and spiritual self. Our uniqueness is meant to be celebrated, nurtured, encouraged and guided in healthy ways. When we have mentors who receive us as gifts and celebrate who we are and shape us in healthy ways, we become secure. When we have dysfunctional parents or mentors who reject or even abuse us, we become insecure and fearful... and our behavior and attitudes react to somehow rectify this rejection in our own strength. You were meant to be loved simply for who and how God created you.  Take a look at how God looks upon your first days, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them,  the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." (Psalm 139: 13-16)

  When we are received as the gifts that God has created us to be in an atmosphere of nurturing love we grow into our prophetic destiny.  When we are rejected or abused and mishandled by toxic people we can often take on deep layers of insecurity, pain, anxiety and confusion. When we know who we really are we are free to move seamlessly into the places prepared for us in life. (Ephesians 2: 8-10)  From our loving God's perspective, you are a treasure of inestimable worth and value.  You are a unique mosaic that God desires to paint through the lives of family and friends who recognize your worth and value as far beyond gold and rubies. From God's perspective there is nothing more valuable than a human soul.

  Are you struggling with insecurity?  Do you feel loved for who you are....right now? So many of us are caught up in an endless cycle of performance and striving to become someone that others will accept and receive....we feel a need to 'earn' approval and love.  The absolute truth is that you are deserving of love right now in every dimension of your life. You are a unique and precious person created body, soul and spirit to be celebrated, enjoyed and loved right now for who you are presently. Until and unless we are able to connect with God in that fundamental and foundational way, we are bent into unhealthy forms that are bound in the chains of false expectations and conditions.

 The gospel of grace reveals an amazing love that reaches into the world and loves us right where we are...with our imperfections... and liberates instead of enslaving.... that heals instead of harms.  You don't need to live with insecurity and fear. You can be loved in a community of faith, hope and love that issues from the grace of God... it's based on the powerful love of Jesus Christ. To be free of fear....fear of rejection and the prison of conditional love. God has created communities of grace based upon what Jesus has done in freeing us from brokenness and sin.  We don't become injured in isolation... we become injured in the context of pathological relationships. We also don't get healed in isolation. God's love and forgiveness call us out of the prison of dysfunction into healthy communities of grace.  My prayer is that God will give us all the courage to walk out of the prisons of unhealthy relationships into what God has prepared for us. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36)


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