Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Confused? Wondering where life is taking you? What about that relationship? Just who are you anyway? Why? These are question that haunt our soul and drive us to wonder and frustration. To put it in the simplest terms, when you don't know where you're going..... you're lost!
  Confusion can be defined as being in a state of contradiction.... mixed up, disordered. A confused person is disturbed in mind or purpose.... they are 'jumbled up' on the inside...emotionally , mentally, relationally.
  Confusion at it's deepest root is a fruit of a spiritual disconnect. God is not the author of confusion....but of peace~1 Cor. 14:33. When we try to define who we are....where we are to go.....what we are to do and who we are to be with....apart from the God who made us, we get confused.
  In our search for clarity and a defined purpose we can wrap our lives around, we need to be connected to our maker. Spirituality is not a wasted effort when we realize our design is meant to define and direct us toward our destiny. You are not randomly placed on the planet with your peculiar talents, desires, dreams and personality. You are you, because you were shaped, formed and created for a specific reason. When you're missing the mark (sin) of that defined purpose and destiny, you'll feel it on the inside. You will know. You will feel that empty and burning pain in your gut (your inner person/soul) that something is 'not right'.
  Did you ever feel like there are two of you fighting and struggling for control of your life? When we don't know who we really are, we can be tempted to take on multiple personas. In James ch. 1 and verses 5-6 we get some wise counsel on overcoming confusion, "Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticising, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. An indecisive man (or woman) is unstable in all his ways.
  We are confused because we stubbornly refuse to ask for help. We drive on the interstate of life with no internal GPS to guide our wavering and doubting souls. We are pilgrims without a plan. Trekkers without a map.  Wanderers with no home. Confusion is deeply spiritualWhen you know who you are, you'll know where to go...and what to do....and who to be with.
  We educate our minds, train our bodies, soothe our emotions and starve our spirits. No wonder we're confused! Your 'inside' person is who you really are. Instead of being mishaped, distorted, manipulated and controlled by external and ever changing trends, we need to discover and nurture our spiritual lives on absolute truth.
  Proverbs 4:23 instructs us, "Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life". When was the last time you were quiet enough to hear your heart reflect and guide your life? Your conscience is a gift from God and you ignore it at your own peril. When we ignore the truth of God's word and violate our consciense we 'go dark' and wind up in a place of deep confusion and lostness. The way home often requires a U-turn in the middle of a dark and difficult place. Humility is often found at the end of a long and painful ride in the wrong direction. Perhaps its time to admit you're lost...and begin the journey home to love, relationship and the true you. Your loving God is waiting .... it's time to come home. The journey begins with a simple and heartfelt cry, "Help!". It's a prayer that never goes unanswered.


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