Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Vision to Lead: America in Crisis

  I recently watched dueling speeches on national T.V. while on vacation with my family in N.Y. President Obama went head to head in a bully pulpit confrontation with House Speaker John Boehner. It was classic politics but not classic leadership. In trying times we don't need politicians....we are desperate for leaders with vision. Crisis arise due to war, economic depravity or social anarchy. We are in the midst of two of these crisis and we might be headed for the third.
  Yesterday, I toured New York City. I was struck by the immense energy of America's most important city .People are working hard to make a living. Walking around the city you can hear every language and see every culture integrating effortlessly. The buzz is positive and hopeful. During my walking tour of the city I visited the New York Public library which is celebrating its 100 year anniversary. They had a photography display and one picture spoke to me deeply. It was of an American astronaut walking on the moon from the Apollo 12 program. It was a black and white photo. As I gazed into the photo I heard God speaking to me of what was lacking in our current leadership nationally: VISION.
  During the Cold War with the Soviet Union, President John F. Kennedy called us in 1961 to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. My childhood and this nations's last generation was shaped by the vision of building a modern space program. The side effects of the vision were immense: technological innovation, national purpose, educational achievement and ultimately prosperity born of discovery and innovation.
  The nation of America is sorely lacking a vision beyond consumerism and self centered prosperity. Politicians whose salaries and benefits are bloated beyond the common man's take home pay live to survive another day and not truly lead us into the  future. We vote for compromised men and women in both parties whose major goals seem more tied to political survival than to what is good for America.
  There is a huge difference between management and leadership. We are in a stalemate over the fiscal crisis facing America for practical as well as visionary reasons. I do believe there are stark differences in the political philosophy of both the Republican and Democratic parties. However, I believe when leaders truly lead based upon a worthy and moral vision of the future that the two party system will again work in America.
  I am praying and asking God to give us men and women who will have a clear vision of the future that God has planned for our nation. When we have a clear vision we can work together for the common good and not malign and tear down the nation so many great leaders have worked to build. Will you pray with me?


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