Sunday, February 5, 2012

Learning to Wait

We don't like to wait. We want everything NOW!  Our desires often act as tyrants to our mind, bodies and emotions. We demand satisfaction RIGHT NOW. When forced to wait we become convinced by a series of lies that time is being wasted. The reality is that life is a continuous cycle of preparation, action, waiting and completion. Most important and signficant desires and life events demand extended periods of waiting. We can either waste the wait or dig deep into our will and emotions and GROW inwardly. There are no shortcuts to maturity.

Isaiah the prophet of God tell us that waiting is never idle time when we wait on the Lord. (Is 40:31) 
"But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."

When you find yourself frustrated and your desires and dreams delayed you can either fret or you can wait with the One who is allowing the delay. Do you know that your character is more important to God than your comfort? Time spent waiting is meant to be invested in relationship and the growth of trust. Intimacy demands time and so when we embrace the wait, we are saying yes to relationship.

The fruit of a life lived independently from God is weariness and internal discord. Peace can't be manufactured by men or women. Your circumstances are ever shifting but God remains a pure and reliable source of strength in our lives. 

The next time you begin to 'freak out' while waiting, turn your heart home to your heavenly Father. When you touch the heart of your loving God, your time of waiting can become a time of renewal, peace, and pleasure. He's waiting for you.... 



  1. Thanks Jim! What a perfectly timed reminder!! I'm having a hard time waiting to find renters and struggling to give the reigns to the Lord ;)
