Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Be Still

  Do you find it difficult to be still? Are you someone always on the move? The ability to embrace quietness of the soul and inactivity is often a barometer for the condition of our soul. The Psalmist issues an urgent call from God to our hearts, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10)
  We are in desperate need of perspective. Sometimes we are guilty of staying busy for fear of what we might encounter when the noise and busyness stops! When we stop and listen for the voice beyond ourselves we gain a view of reality that will alter our lives for good. The first and central reality we must discover is that we are not the center of the universe! There is a God whose purposes give meaning and direction to all human life and experience. God is to be the central focus of our lives on this planet. God will be exalted.... there is no stopping that and the sooner we join in the chorus of praise, the sooner our lives become whole and healthy.
  We often hear people seeking out a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. We concentrate on the edges and margins of life... an exercise regimen and perhaps a short lived diet. Neither of these are unimportant but when we ignore the spiritual dimension, we might just miss the reason for having good physical health. It's not about strutting your stuff on the edge of the beach... it's for yielding your entire life to the God who shaped and formed you for an amazing life of meaning and purpose. It's in becoming still on the inside and listening to his voice above all others that we find him... and ourselves.
  Be still.... and know, really know the God of the universe... and in knowing him begin to discover who you really are.


1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jim!

    It's good to hear this from the other side. Let me explain. As an introvert, stillness and reflection are my bread and butter. It's what I live for, thirst be still and to know God. The outward stuff of relationships and making things happen, I have to really work at. It has to be a serious work of grace.

    Those like you Jim, are extroverts, movers and shakers who rarely have time to stop and breathe. Don't get me wrong, I love your good heart. It Rocks!

    I guess it where we get our energy from, solitude, or the crowd.

    I just really appreciate your perspective here.;-)

    Love you man of God.
    May the peace of God fill your heart of hearts.
