The first word is Location. We're all born somewhere on the planet. Where we're born does have an impact on how we're raised and on our formative belief systems. Location is important but not vital to discovering what it is that is meant to define and direct our souls. We all hit a certain age when we think that if we would only change our location that we would find happiness, fulfillment or more of what we really want. But living in the right place without defining who we are and what we're called to do will only lead us to always hating where we are at the moment. You might be called to a particular place for a specific time but there are more important things that need to undergird your search for 'place' in life.
The second word is Vocation. Vocation can be defined as " a strong impulse or inclination to a career or activity.... a divine call to God's service." Too often we find ourselves looking for a job when we should pursuing a vocation. A vocation is connected to self discovery and identity formation. Simply put, when you know who you are, you'll know what to do! What do you find greatest pleasure doing? What do you do in life that others find brings excellence and value to the world around you? You are a unique person created and designed to do great things in life! Read this amazing poetic statement about who you are for both encouragement and insight, "For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, And that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:13, 14) When we discover and really believe that we are designed for something marvelous and meaningful, we begin to live disciplined and directed lives...where every day counts. We find ourselves walking with confidence and excitement even when we are far off from actualizing our dream. Disciplined lives flow out of God inspired dreams. Until and unless you know who you are and why you're here, your life is in danger of futility and the kind of failure that is most deceptive: succeeding at things that don't really matter at all.
The third word that helps us find our 'Vision for Life' is Motivation. Location gives us a 'where' to fulfill our dream. Vocation gives us a 'what' to fulfill our dream. Motivation provides the all important 'why' to our life's dream. Motivation is what provides us with a reason to act in a certain way... inspiration enough to move, to risk, to labor and to keep moving forward in spite of hurdles, obstacles and temporary disappointments. Every dream is tested by trial, time and temptation. When our motivation is weak or misplaced we will often quit long before our dreams are realized. We need to examine our motives with honesty and humility. Why do you want to accomplish your dream? For what purpose? For whose glory.... for what end? Our motivations are born and developed in our inner man and woman... our soul. Listen to the wisdom of Proverbs 4:23, "Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life." Selfish visions have a short shelf life and ultimately work to destroy the visionary himself. When our motivations are based on the things that last forever (Faith, Hope and Love ....see 1 Corinthians 13:13) than we are building and living for something that will inspire, invigorate and empower our daily lives.
You were meant to be guided by a vision for your life and not live randomly from day to day. You are not an accident. You were born with special gifts, talents and desires that when surrendered to God and dedicated to his purpose will bring both pleasure and deep satisfaction to you and the world around you. Start dreaming and find and develop that vision that lies dormant in your soul.