Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Failure made Easy

Ever get to the place where you 'failed' at something and didn't know how you got there? The reality of not meeting a goal or dream we have desired can be devastating. In spite of all the positive spin put on disappointment it's not always easy to swallow the 'lessons' we are meant to learn in failures. No one NEVER fails in life. We all have potential for both success and failure in every major venture or undertaking we take on in life. In this brief blog I want to use sports as a metaphor for describing three key areas you can address to reduce failure in your life. All three of the metaphors are actually taken from the sport of track which I competed in for several years... let's get started.

1. D.N.S. , these initials stand for did not start. The most obvious way to ensure you fail is to just plain NOT SHOW UP. This past week the American record holder for the mile and 1500 meters withdrew from the final in the national championship. When he made the decision to withdraw from the race he ensured failure. Where risk is involved we often pull back and choose not to 'compete' in areas of our life: relationships, career, sport, community service etc.... We can never achieve anything of significance when we choose to not compete.... not to participate. Sometimes the most vociferous critics are those who do so from the sidelines of spectators. Better to risk failure by making a great effort as opposed to ensuring failure by never lining up to participate in life.

2. D. N. F. , these initials stand for did not finish. The world is full of noble beginners... but bereft of many finishers. The ability to stand up under the assaults of self doubt, fatigue, depression, disappointment and fear separates the champion from the amateur. Many of the most talented athletes, business people, leaders and entrepreneurs start off like blazing stars only to wind up in the ash heap of never finishing what they began. Just to make a commitment to finish what is begun ensures that the world will rise up and call you blessed. Once while studying in London I met the Director of Ophthalmology for the World Health organization. I told of him of my dream/vision to help establish an eye hospital in northern Pakistan. He told me it was a noble and needed work. It was indeed exactly the type of project that his organization would like to support financially. But alas he was firmly aware that so many similar projects around the world are brilliant failures. His counsel? Start with what you have.... work hard..... and if in two years you are still functional his organization would fund us generously. We followed his advice and Gilgit eye hospital goes on providing eye care to thousands every year in N. Pakistan.

3. D.Q. these initials stand for disqualified. In athletics there are fixed rules of competition which nevertheless are frequently violated by those who want to win at any cost. At times they are caught in their deceit and promptly eliminated from obtaining the prize they so desperately sought. There are all sorts of boundaries and rules in life. But the immoral participant in relationships, business, sport and life itself seeks to play by its own set of rules. Nevertheless, eventually cheaters are revealed and exposed for who they are: frauds. We must understand that victory at "any cost" is not a true win. We must have honor and morality at the center of triumphs and our failures. Better to be true to self than appear to be something we are not.

It's easy to fail. Too easy. Choose to examine your heart today and help ensure you make the right choices that are so important to find success in life.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Be careful what and whom you worship

Matthew 4:8, "Again, the devil took him (Jesus) to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
In this life the direction and purpose of our lives are determined by what we give worth to on a daily basis. Worship sounds 'religious' and for those who don't have a clearly defined belief system seems unrelated to daily life. But in fact we all have something which gives direction to our daily decisions. Worship simply defined is what we give ultimate worth to in life. When something we 'worship' dies or ends in our lives grief is the natural result. People can worship their marriage partner or boyfriend/girlfriend. People can worship what they 'own' (house, car, boat, electronics etc..) People can worship what they create (art, music, writing etc..) People can worship themselves. The media in our world put before us popular artists, celebrities, musicians, athletes as objects of veneration. Much is made of their every decision, success and failure. This week one of our 'pop' icons died. Suddenly the media cycle stops and focuses for a period of time to give worship to that person. Candles are lit, failure are forgotten and the best aspects of our flawed gods are detailed in an elaborate worship con.
Why do we put people and things in the place of the true God? Perhaps it's because false worship requires so little in the way of commitment to truth and reality. We can fantasize and escape the reality that something is wrong on our 'inside". But fantasy never really satisfies and so we see in Jesus teaching a call to truth in life. What you give value to is what you really serve and worship in life. The only one worthy of worship brings healing to broken lives. When we worship false gods we corrupt not only ourselves but the one we give our selves too. Wonder why our 'heroes' collapse around us? Perhaps we ourselves put a knife in their back each and every time we adore a man or woman who is not God. As we reflect on the death of idols let's not lose the reality that God deserves our worship and service. Make a commitment today to discover the reality of a loving and powerful savior, Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Discovering God in Alaska

It was the early summer of 1980 in a place of unimagined beauty. I had flown in a small 4 seat plane with a few friends from Anchorage to Denali National Park in Alaska. As I sat at a place called polychrome pass I saw something so powerfully beautiful that the only thing I could say was, "there must be a God". Although I was raised to believe in God by the time I sat overlooking the stunning panoramic view of nature in Alaska my life and values had become more self centered and corrupt. I needed a spiritual overhaul and it happened at first not in a church or Bible study time but in the beauty of God's art studio we call "nature".
No matter whether you are raised to believe in a religion or philosophy there is an amazing tapestry of beauty on display for all of us to see on a daily basis. Usually, we are too self absorbed to notice. The value of retreat from the busyness of life is the perspective we gain from the sheer beauty displayed in the skies, rivers, seas, oceans etc.... all around us. Scripture puts it to us clearly in Psalm 19: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where there voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
This was actually a turning point in my life. God had opened the "eyes of my heart" through what he alone could have created. There is so much value in stopping on a regular basis and giving our time not to the things created by men of this earth. When we step out of self and smell a rose, marvel at a stunning view of a sunset or hear the sounds of the ocean... we touch something uniquely designed to speak a language of the soul. Take time to experience something created for you to enjoy without cost or an admission fee.... the reward will not only bless your senses... it will bless your soul.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Perspiration: Finding your way in the world of work

Through the creative influence and initiation of God we are meant to be inspired and empowered to do meaningful work here in this life. However, work and effort require a balance between labor and rest. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we read, "By the seventh day God has finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."
Right now the world of work and economic activity is out balance and failing to produce the kind of employment and income needed to provide income for many. We are in a period of "recession" or drawing back..... back from greed, avarice, hubris and deception. The balance and rhythm of our world has been disrupted. By and large the world lives apart from the initial blueprint that God had laid out for it. We tend to swing from one extreme to the next. We are commanded to both rest and labor. But before we can really labor in peace and sustained prosperity we must first know God and his love. There is an inner rest for those whose sin is removed by an amazing Savior: Jesus Christ. What if the ailing car companies of America decided that in order to save $ they would fire all design engineers and simply "rough out" the design and planning of their present and future cars. They would "save" salaries in the short term but ensure that no one would buy their cars... because poor and unreliable design and planning ensure failure. But what of our individual lives... can we cheat ourselves with no direction, no planning, no input from our design engineer? (God created and designed you intricately: see Psalm 139) When we work without a sense of direction from our creator we are guaranteed to fail and our souls are grieved.... we sense that something is missing! There is no satisfaction in doing work for which we were not created. Yes, God had something specific in mind when he created YOU. Ephesians 2:10 tells us, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Amazingly, God has prepared your employment and calling IN ADVANCE! If you are reading this and dissatisfied in your employment or perhaps unemployed... take heart God has prepared something for you to do in each and every phase of your life. But what are you supposed to do with your life right now? If you rely on friends, job counselors, professors and the media you have every reason to be depressed and confused.... alas they did not create you and cannot speak to the deepest parts of who you REALLY ARE. You must know God. You must communicate with your "design engineer". He is not so remote and unavailable as you might think. He came into this world in a stunning breakthrough of imaginative love and power: born of a virgin... in a stable... perfect God and perfect Man. A Savior who was touched by all the pain and suffering of this world in which you and I live. He tasted death on a cruel cross and conquered death. He is alive and he wants to talk to you today..... about your dreams, your fears, your hopes and yes, he wants to direct your life's work.... for he has prepared a place for you of satisfaction, provision, blessing and pure pleasure. Why don't you pray with me today? God, Open the eyes of my heart so that I might see you, see your plan, see your and embrace your love and have a life filled with joy, meaning, peace and purpose! Thank you GOD!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Inspiration to Heal and Provide

Inspiration defined: A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate a sacred revelation. I am writing today on the second in a series of four words which I believe are key in understanding how God provides for his people in the midst of difficult and even tragic times. God is almighty and powerful and yet in creating humanity he has chosen to use people to communicate and transmit much of his resources in and through imperfect humans. We often fail him. In spite of our failures God has deposited a lot of treasure inside of us. The creativity and beauty of an awesome Savior is wanting to be released to bless others and allow people to see that heaven is real.
Our world has been seriously traumatized by our sin and rebellion: greed, sensuality, violence, selfishness, lying, jealousy, murder, disease etc..... run rampant in our societies. There is a sense that things are spinning out of control. When we lose touch with God we lose hope. When we connect with God through Jesus Christ we regain a sense of hope and belief that change is not only possible but imperative.
God has answers for every issue on this planet but he is waiting for us to respond to the question of the age, (from Isaiah 6: 8) "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Our physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs are all met by responding correctly to this call to go not only for God but with him to help others. It's in giving to all men that we receive.
If we go on our own, we fail. If we without knowing him, we fail. If we go without knowing ourselves, we fail. God in his mercy has created us with latent spiritual talents and gifts which are meant to both bless and provide for humanity and ourselves. Romans 12:3 has an important revelation concerning how we are to relate to our spiritual selves in regards to gifting, "For by the grace given me, I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourselves more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you, just as each of us has one body with many members (parts), and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
You must know and function in your GRACE GIFT to receive the supply that you need for your life. It bears repeating.... YOU MUST KNOW AND FUNCTION in your GRACE GIFT in order to receive God's supply for your life. This does not in any way mean you are meant to live and function in some sort of religious bubble or ministry. Who you are in terms of gifting works in any and every place as God leads and directs. Your supply is dependent on you having in order the 3 words of divine direction: 1. Motivation 2. Vocation 3. Location Motivation speaks to the issues of the heart and communion with your creator. When your heart is right, God can bend and direct you into his perfect will. Vocation speaks of your gifting and the desires of the purified heart... the real you. Location simply speaks on the where you are in time and space. Instead of searching for a "job" in time and space we need to ensure our heart is right and ensure we are honest about what we are created to do. If you don't know who you are in God and grace gifting you are of no use on this planet. Your number one priority must be to remain rightly related to God, yourself and others. Relationships are not peripheral... they are PRIMARY.
Take some time in prayer and meditation and be honest: Am I where I need to be in my relationship with God? Do I really know who I am and why I am here on this planet? Am I sensing that God might be calling me to a new "place" in my heart, vocation or location? Cry out to God and he might just INSPIRE you with his thoughts towards you. When he breathes on you in your spirit, that transmission of life is what you need to have all your needs met according to HIS RICHES in heaven... Praying for you!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

4 Words from God to PROVIDE

During the night, I sensed God giving me 4 words that related to how he would provide for those in need during this time of leanness and struggle in the world's economy. The words are: Creativity, Inspiration, Perspiration and Provision. The words are in sequence and cyclical in terms of how God uses them to provide for us while we live on this planet. I want to take them one by one and elaborate on them over the next few days of blogging and explore with you the wonder of how God can and will provide for those who have faith and trust in him. Let's start with the word Creativity: (The Genesis of Origination) God is the source of all wealth and provision. The ability to be original at every level originates from the God of infinite resources and provision. God is SPIRIT and he communicates his originality and resources the Spiritual beings of men and women who dream and respond to the needs and desires of people with an affirmative "YES". While the world complains and murmurs regarding lack, God breathes and creates what is needed, not out of what is nothing, but out of the great ONE THING--------himself (Yahweh-- the great I AM)
With every dream, desire and need that issues from the tragedies and triumphs of men there is a corresponding completion and fulfillment in the mind of God. When we are in communication with God in Christ (the eternal WORD), we become open and receptive to the only PURE source of creativity, God Almighty. Creativity apart from the DIVINE essence is damaged and corrupted by sin and its perverted view of reality. Within the soul of all humanity is the divine 'spark'! But apart from Christ the 'spark' burns and darkens instead of bringing a healing balm and light.
Satan cannot and does not create-- he is the ultimate plagiarist--- perverting from the original use and rebelling away from the will and purposes of God--- to destroy, dilute and deny GOD. Creativity is the reservoir of God's provision to our planet.
Tomorrow, I will speak on the topic of inspiration. Inspiration is a particular withdraw from heavens account to meet a need in time and space--- A 'now' provision that fills a gap of need and necessity proving God's desire and ability to provide, console and bless his creation. Stay tuned as we continue this week on God's 4 words to PROVIDE!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Tragic Destruction of a Nation

It's truly shocking to watch a mighty nation rapidly collapse before my eyes. The wages of sin is death and payday has arrived. The tragic lack of true leadership and the zombie like response of our citizens leads me to believe that we are headed for a serious time of humbling and pain. Very few really believe we can "bail out" companies and institutions which have actually "died" in every sense. For many years I worked in intensive care units in hospitals. We have the capability of sustaining "life" through the use of machines and technology but the quality of that life is often nil. Right now our nations future wealth is being pumped into brain dead organizations and the creation of an even sicker welfare state. We are in DEEP trouble. We are in the process of allowing our government become our de facto "Daddy" who will have full sway over where we live, where we work and what we can or cannot do in almost every conceivable way. Make no mistake the borrower is the lenders slave. The man, woman or company that opens their hand to this nefarious "bail out" will become the slave of a horrific government control never before seen in our nations history. Freedom is always compromised when we believe "big brother" knows best. I am praying for my friends, family and nation to wake up while we are being anesthetized into a coma of complacency. We don't have to die prematurely... but we will as long as remain passive recipients of the greatest institutional rape since the Soviet Union. God save America.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Battle Against Boredom

To be bored is to battle with a sense of purpose and meaning even in the midst of weariness and dullness. Some things in life just need to be done... but can they be done with a sense of meaning? There was a man who lived in France in the 1600's whose main "job" in life was a dishwasher and shoe repairmen. His name was Lawrence. He lived in close relationship with God and never married. He wrote a book which is still available entitled, "Practicing the Presence of God". You can actually download it for free on the internet. Lawrence discovered something that is a much better response to boredom than most people practice... instead of searching for a more radical high in extreme sports, out of control sexuality, drug experimentation, serial relationships etc... he practiced an ongoing, life long relationship with Jesus Christ. Though he never had a big income, "exciting" vocation or an accumulation of the things this world clamors for: good looks, fame, fat 401 K retirement etc.... Lawrence lived a joy filled meaningful life that resonates hundreds of years later.
The antithesis of boredom is not excitement or thrill seeking. The antithesis of boredom is contentment and relationship based on pure love found in a real God who is available and waiting to be known, and to know. Are you bored? Let the love of God open your heart and change your life... it's the only real cure for boredom that won't enslave or destroy you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Coming out of the CAVE

I have never explored a cave in my life. I have read articles about adventurous souls who have cave exploration as hobbies. Once in a while you hear of people getting lost in caves and not making it back out. There are so many unknowns in cave exploration...... hidden pockets of toxic gases, the obvious risk of getting lost etc.... So, I choose to remain outside caves and if I see them just take a nice photo from a safe distance. But in life there are other kinds of caves where we all get lost and are in danger. Caves to me symbolize darkness, despair, danger and separation. When I have made poor decisions that negatively impact my relationships with those closest to me (including God) I can sense the "lights going out" in my head and heart. I am usually too mad, fearful or uncertain to do what I should do and stop and check my "GPS" coordinates (truth, love and grace) so I muddle along deeper into my cave of despair and deception and wind up walking so far that I hit the "wall" at the back of the cave. Recently I have thought that I would like to be a friend and have friends that are willing to "walk me out" of the back of my cave and theirs. Walking implies patience and a willingness to live life with others... through their good and bad days. It takes time to heal, time to turn toward the light and the journey back out of the cave is often delayed, postponed, lengthened and seldom on time whatever that means. Life is never really simple and its complications don't play well in movies or sitcoms. I'm coming out of my 'cave' and moving toward the light found in the presence of Jesus. Will you go with me?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Bible Says...................

For over 50 years America's "preacher" was a man named Billy Graham. Billy has spoken in front of hundreds of millions of people world wide over the last several decades. He came from a humble family in North Carolina and has had a huge impact on people for God. His teaching and proclamations were never known for their "depth" but more for their simplicity. Billy always prefaced his own remarks with simple but clear proclamations of what the Bible said about itself. Billy had the God given faith to remain confident that the scriptures themselves contained the answers for life regardless of time, cultural, political or even religious differences. What a great shame that we have so few preachers and teachers with an abounding confidence in what the Bible itself proclaims. Do we really think we can be wiser that the Bible?
Pride is a universal and timeless challenge to all who would live wisely. Each generation presumes that it alone is the harbinger of a "new era" where all world problems will uniquely be solved through the wisdom and innovation of the latest theories or technologies of man. But alas there is only one solution to man's inherent sinfulness and depravity: Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, crucified and buried and risen on the third day. Simple? No, more profound and loving than any philosophy or religion of man.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

All Nations Community Church

The Vision for the new church we are forming in Mobile(All Nations Community Church) flows directly from scripture. In the book of Revelation chapter 5, a song is being sung in heaven in honor of Jesus Christ. The words of the song capture so well what our church's vision flows from, "You (Jesus) are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." It's so easy to view 'heaven' only in futuristic and lofty terms reserved for funerals and comfort for our tough times. But Jesus taught us that heaven should be a part of our daily prayer lives. In his teaching his followers were taught to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Heaven is made up of people from every nation, culture, language... a true mosaic of all the peoples whom God has ever created. When we worship in All Nations Community Church our Vision is to look like heaven in the makeup of our community.
To put it simply our vision at All Nations Community Church is to be a multi-cultural family of nations worshiping and serving Jesus Christ in Mobile, Alabama.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The beauty of a "MOSAIC" life

I'm not an artist in any real sense of the word but I do enjoy being an observer of various forms of artistry. The forming of a mosaic image in art intrigues me because of it's beauty and the meaning that it represents. The definition of the word strikes me as visionary, a picture made of variously colored materials to form various images or patterns. There is something uniquely striking in bringing unity out of diversity. In order to fit the various components together into a meaningful pattern it takes the "eye" of a great artist! In a world of such intense and vibrant cultural diversity we must know the artist behind it all to paint the images he has laid in the heavens. I have always been an admirer of sunsets and sunrises. Having lived in Alaska I remember the brilliant and unusual colors as so breathtaking that it impacted my ability see beyond myself toward God himself.
Lately, I have been wanting to bring these brilliant colors and diversity together in a community of relationships where I live in Mobile, Alabama. I want to build a community of faith that will look as close to heaven on earth as God will allow us to experience. What a joy to even dream about a family of faith where we build relationships on purpose across the various colors and cultures that God has brought into our lives. I have a dream of a fellowship of believers whose greatest desire is to love God and to love one another. One in spirit but diverse in expression of life and beauty. It's coming. Want to join us?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Family for All Nations

We have been blessed since July of 1998 to be the directors of Friends of Internationals at the University of South Alabama. It has opened our hearts and home to thousands of students from nearly all the nations of the world. We love what we do! Soon we will add another component to our life which though not for everyone will serve a number of international students and families in the area who are looking for a multi-cultural family of faith. Our lives are open to people from every nation and religion. Some of our friends are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. We have decided to mover towards establishing a community of faith with an an emphasis on reaching out to people from different cultures. There is an interesting portrait of heaven in the last book of the Bible which describes how Jesus Christ had by his sacrificial death as an innocent enabled people to have eternal life. Our desire is to establish a family of believers and seekers of Jesus who will share their lives, their faith and their cultural heritage with one another in a beautiful mosaic of vibrant life. How can we do this? Only God is capable of building something like this. So we choose to believe and have faith in God and in his desire to draw together a faith community from every nation/ethnicity in the Mobile, Al area. Will you pray for God to help us as we move forward in faith toward God? We know you will!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trembling on the path to Healing!

In a recent blog I told the story of a woman whose joy was restored when we were able to provide her with a simple pair of reading glasses. That same day began with a dramatic walk of bravery and allowed all the other healing ministry that day to happen. The village of Nagar was a very conservative Islamic community which practiced Purdah... a tradition where woman often are not allowed outside the walls surrounding their homes except under unusual circumstances. As outsiders we were viewed with great fear. We were the first group of people from outside the community to penetrate the veil of Nagar. Though the local leaders had announced that free medical care would be provided over the Mosque loud speakers we waited for nearly 40 minutes and no one was coming to the school building where we had set up to perform exams. Finally, after nearly an hour we looked through the windows of the school toward the open courtyard and saw a hunched older woman moving slowly in our direction. As she drew closer we could see that her whole body was shaking. It was not the shaking of muscular disease but from raw fear. She was afraid of what might happen to her as she put her health into the hands of strangers. But what was greater than her fear was the excruciating pain of a dreadful eye disease known as Trachoma. It is an infection which gradually causes the eye lashes to turn inward and scratch the most pain sensitive area of the human body: the cornea or outer surface of the eye. She had an advanced case and must have lived in unending searing pain for a long time. As we examined her she continued to tremble and as we talked with her through local translators she seemed resigned to her fate of ongoing pain. We gave her the medicine needed to effect a complete cure with detailed instructions to take the medicines over 2 weeks. She left with her haunched appearance slightly more steady.
Two weeks later we returned and the trembling and forlorn look of depression was gone. A broad smile greeted us and she kissed our hands as a sign of affection and gratitude. Another life changed, another day of pain removed and God was pleased. I resolved in prayer once again to not waste my life.. not a single moment. Will you join me in the adventure of serving others?